Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Temporary solutions to overcome laggy/slow Facebook loading page in Malaysia ( Windows Only )

Hi welcome to my first blog post about IT stuffs. I have decided to make this post since Facebook has become so laggy and slow past one week. There is some tricks via ip address which can improve the loading speed of Facebook and I hope it will be helpful to you all.

Follow this steps, slow by slow :)

Step [ 1 ]

First of all, you must log in to your Windows with administrator access (if the computer is your personal one, most likely you are the administrator).

*On Windows Vista/7, if it is possible, turn off the User Account Control (UAC) to prevent unnecessary warning to the modification. To access the UAC settings, click Start button, then click on your display picture. Change the UAC settings to Never Notify. You can always turn it back to the default settings if you wish to.

Step [ 2 ]

Browse for a file called ‘hosts’. The location of the file is at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\. Right click on the file, and select Open. You should be prompted with a list of program, choose Notepad.

Step [ 3 ]
Once the hosts file is opened in Notepad, just add the following text to the end of the text file: www.facebook.com

Press Ctrl+S to save the file and you can close the file. Try to load your Facebook page again after a few seconds and see if the workaround works for you. For me, ping time has been greatly reduced and Facebook is butter smooth again.

If you are having problem, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would help you to overcome this problem :)
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